All You Need to Know about Nano Fertilizers

Nano fertilizers help prevent or minimize nutrient loss and reduce its fast degradation in the soil. This enhances the nutrient quality and the fertility of the soil and promotes crop productivity. Fertilizers are essential for boosting agricultural output, but overusing chemical fertilizers permanently alters the chemical ecology of the soil and damages it. This in return reduces the area that can be used for growing crops. It is advantageous to use Nano fertilizers because you can use them in less quantity, which enhances the ease of application. Moreover, it reduces the cost of transportation because it is required in a relatively lesser quantity. The disadvantage of using a conventional fertilizer is that a very low percentage of it reaches the target site. This happens due to the leaching of chemicals, drift, run-off, evaporation, photolytic, hydrolysis, and microbial degradation. What is the Significance of Nano Fertiliser? Since Nano fertilizer has become very popul...