Reasons to Use Nitrogen Rich Organic Fertilizer on Plants

Nitrogen is one of the key macro nutrients required by plants and crops to thrive. Without it, a plant cannot make amino acids, proteins, and even DNA and cells. Whether you are a farmer or a home gardener, you must be aware of the significance of nitrogen and how it works for plant and crop growth. It is a crucial component that provides all plants with beautiful green color and helps plants to convert sun rays (with water and CO2) into food. A nitrogen rich organic fertilizer is a perfect source of this macro nutrient to promote growth in your plants. Here we talk about some key reasons to use this organic fertilizer on your crop.

Symptoms of a Nitrogen Deficiency

While no or little growth of plants is the first sign of the lack of nitrogen, there are some other visual symptoms associated with the deficiency. These include:

· Stunted plant growth

· Weak shoots or branches

· No or reduced flowering and fruiting

· Leaves turning yellow

· Drop-in new leaf growth

· Purple stripes on the plant stems (some specific plant species)

It is essential to fix these issues otherwise, the deficiency will severely affect crop yield. To fix a nitrogen deficiency with organic fertilizer may require time, but it will be highly effective for the growth and better harvests. Here is how nitrogen-rich organic fertilizer works for plant health.

Better Soil Structure

Nitrogen is a building block for high-quality soil structure as it increases the soil’s ability to sustain water and nutrients. As a result, plants grow from the ground up, with better roots, stems, leaves, vines, and flowers.


The chemical-based fertilizers runoff into waterways, damaging the water quality and marine life. However, organic fertilizers are associated with soil structure, so they do not run off and affect the environment. These natural fertilizers boost species biodiversity as compared to chemical fertilizers. 


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