Liquid Nano Urea: A Revolution in the Agricultural Industry

 Nano urea is a fertilizer that is in the form of a nanoparticle. It is used as a nutrient to fulfill the nitrogen requirements of plants. Nano urea is also often used as an alternative to conventional urea, which is generally available in a granular form. This is the only nano-fertiliser that has been approved by the Government of India and is included in the Fertilizer Control Order (FCO).

How is Liquid Nano Urea Better than Conventional Urea?

Here are a few benefits of using liquid urea over the conventional one:

  • Better Efficiency

Conventional urea has an efficiency of about 25%, but liquid nano urea can deliver efficiency as high as 85-90%. When used in its granular form, urea may not always have the desired impact on crops, as a large amount of the nitrogen that is present in it gets lost, while some of the nitrogen also gets washed away during irrigation. However, this is not the case with liquid urea. With foliar application, the fertilizer enters the pores and other openings of the plants and the unutilized nitrogen is stored in the plant vacuole, slowly getting released as and when required for plant growth.

  • Higher Crop Yields

When plants get a sufficient supply of nitrogen and other nutrients, it will definitely result in higher crop yields. By using liquid nano urea, you can ensure production of high-quality food crops that are safe for consumption and have higher protein and nutrient content.

  • Cost-Effective

As compared to the conventional form of urea, liquid nano urea is very cost-effective. One bottle of liquid urea can fertilize the same amount of crops as one bag of granular urea does. Other than this, liquid nano urea is also available in smaller packs, which means less money and effort needed to store and transport the fertilizer.

  • Environment-Friendly

Using liquid urea reduces the need for excessive use of chemical fertilizers. It helps minimize environmental pollution and reduces loss of nutrients from agricultural lands through leaching and gaseous emissions. 

Given all these benefits, liquid nano urea is definitely a great option in fertilizers as compared to conventional urea.


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