Reasons Why Farmers Are Adopting Eco-Friendly Agriculture in India

 Agriculture, being one of the most important industries in India, needs to adapt to sustainability to flourish. Sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture incorporates practices that do not harm the planet. These safe practices can include conventional and organic methods of farming. This type of agriculture ensures that everyone is eating healthy without harming environmental ecosystems. Here are the reasons why farmers are adopting eco-friendly agriculture in our country:

  1. Prevents Soil Erosion

Since India has the largest population, its food production needs are abundant. Due to the continued production of food on the same land, there is a threat of soil erosion. Practices like managing irrigation, mulching the soil, and reducing digging can significantly decrease the chances of soil erosion. By incorporating organic habits, we can improve the crop yield and the soil health.

  1. Provides Economical Benefits

Sustainable agriculture believes in not using chemical inputs or machinery, which can lead to long-term savings for a farmer. Using natural methods to grow the crop yield can also reduce the additional costs of procuring pesticides. Furthermore, when farmers adopt mixed cropping on their farms, they can keep the soil more fertile and gain higher monetary benefits.

  1. Reduces Wastage

Food waste is a global concern and can cause damage to the environment. Considering this, using practices that reduce food waste is highly recommended. Sustainable farming uses natural inputs that rarely harm food production and reduce food waste. This also ensures that the hard work that the farmers are putting in does not go to waste.

  1. Improves Public Health

The biggest concern in agriculture is the excessive use of pesticides. These pesticides can contaminate the soil, making it unsuitable for the next batch of crops. Pesticides may have harmful effects on our health and long-term exposure can lead to infertility, cancer, brain damage, and more. This is also a reason why sustainable agriculture does not use chemical inputs on crops.

With sustainable agriculture, farmers can protect the environment while producing good-quality fruits and vegetables. There are endless benefits to sustainability so it is best to embrace it with open hands.


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