What are the Different Methods of Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Agriculture?

 With the increase in population, it has become a need to increase agricultural output in a sustainable manner. Many researchers have found that traditional agricultural practices have led to a plateau in agricultural productivity. Hence it is essential that farmers adopt eco-friendly agriculture and sustainable agriculture practices like organic farming, crop rotation, and integrated pest management, among others. Here is a brief description of all of these methods:

  1. Organic Farming

Organic farming works on three main principles, which include the principle of public health, in which organic agriculture should be able to sustain the health of the soil, animals, plants, humans and the planet. The second principle is the principle of ecology, which says that organic agriculture should be based on living ecological systems and cycles, emulate them, work with them and help sustain them. The third one is the principle of care, which says that organic agriculture must be managed in a responsible manner to safeguard the health and well-being of current and future generations and the environment.

  1. Integrated pest management

Integrated pest management is an ecosystem-based plan used to focus on the long-term prevention of pest damage by a combination of techniques which involves biological control, modification of cultural practices, habitat manipulation, and use of resistant varieties. Pest control materials are chosen and applied in a way that minimizes risks to human health, does not affect non-targeted organisms and does not harm the environment.

  1. Crop rotation

In this method, different crops are planted sequentially on the same plot so that plants get the optimum amount of nutrients from the soil as it improves soil health,  and combats pest and weed pressure. If you grow the same crops on the same land it will draw the same nutrients from the soil. But if you use the crop rotation method it will return nutrients to the soil without synthetic inputs such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

The main objective of eco-friendly and sustainable agriculture is high crop yield and synchronization between nature and the agriculture system as the soil gets rejuvenated. Not only this, but it also enhances soil quality without compromising biological diversity in the ecosystem.


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